A physician leaving a practice letter to patients should be written in a professional and courteous manner. It should contain a clear announcement that the physician is leaving and when. Moreover, it should provide patients with sufficient time to find another physician in the area.
Getting your medical records transferred to other physicians after a physician leaves the practice is important. Hence, your doctor leaving a practice letter to patients should include the steps by which your medical information can be transferred to your new physician.
Notifying patients of a physician’s departure is also a legal requirement. The Board expects physicians and their practices to notify all active patients of a departing physician at least 60 days before departure, allowing sufficient time for patients to seek other medical care.
The process of providing notice to patients should be spelled out in the employment agreement between the physician and practice. Usually, it is not uncommon for the contract to state that patient lists, charts and other demographic data are property of the practice and cannot be taken by the departing physician without permission from the practice.
If you are not sure whether your practice has a written notification plan, contact an attorney for advice.
It is common for a physician to leave a practice for various reasons such as retirement, relocation or health issues. Taking the proper precautions to ensure that patients do not experience any hardship is important for the future of your medical practice and its reputation.